Saturday, March 19, 2011

Breeding & Babies, Baby!

After breeding a few mares this week, I was a bit tired, if you know what I mean. (Hey, think about what I do during a week in that area, and then compare that to what YOU do each week in that area.) But, my main man Eddie came for a visit today, so I had to perk up a bit. He was checking out some of my babies here at Foot Fall Farm. Now, if you remember from a prior post, I don't have an iPhone yet, but I'm workin' on it. (Little Mike, April 15th, Keeneland, Grade 1, so I'm hopeful!!) So, I don't have a camera available. And, since the other thing that I'm missing is opposable thumbs to snap a few pictures of my kids, I have to rely on the humans to help out.

Here's a couple of pics of my foals, and like I said before, long legs and chrome. The first one is "Manny" with his mom, Bond Beauty. Now, Bond Beauty liked me (and her baby) so much, that she demanded another contract to be bred back to me this spring. So, when the mood hits her......well, you know. Can't wait!
Now, you may think that you are seeing double, but the filly pictured below is another one of my kids. Oh, yeah, more long legs and more chrome. Not too bad at all!! So, when are you calling my main man Eddie to book your mare? I'll be ready.

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